From Our Readers
Strokes The series “Coping With Stroke” (February 8, 1998) was an answer to my prayer. My husband and I were attending a Christian convention a few years ago when he had a stroke. As he tried to write me a note, his hand slid across the paper; his whole right side had been affected. The article did more for me than I can ever express. It is wonderful to know that Jehovah has not forgotten us.
F. S. H., United States
Just a few hours before receiving this magazine, I was unsuccessfully trying to explain to my wife how I felt, but I was unable to express myself as I would have liked because of my stroke. I have already read this magazine three times. My wife has read it too.
R. Z., Italy
My father, who was a faithful servant of Jehovah for many years, died last year of a stroke. The article helped me to understand the behavior he exhibited before his death. The explanations regarding emotional changes, as well as why a stroke victim may have difficulty communicating, helped me to understand a little better what my father was going through.
V. C., United States
I suffered a stroke a year ago and am still struggling with the weakness on my left side. These articles will dispel some of the mystery and fear attached to stroke. It is a myth that only old people have strokes. I was only 47 years of age when I had mine.
A. A., England
The article helped me very much in understanding my daughter Lucia, who suffered a severe head injury in a car accident when she was two months old. She is unable to express her feelings. However, the article helped me to understand why.
N. K., Slovakia
I am a registered nurse certified in rehabilitation and have had a lot of experience working with victims of stroke. What I appreciated so much about this article was the truly empathetic approach it took in describing what is suffered by stroke victims’ families.
L. C., United States
My mother has suffered a transient ischemic attack. From a physical point of view, she has almost completely recovered. But she has deep psychological scars. She used to be strong and sure of herself, but now she has become extremely fragile. Thank you for highlighting the psychological impact this illness has.
R. C., Italy
Two years ago my mother suffered two strokes. The first caused her to lose her memory, and the second left her right side paralyzed. Sometimes I get impatient with her and say things that make her sad. Your article encouraged me to be more understanding.
R. T. S., Brazil
Christian Variety My sincere thanks for the article “The Bible’s Viewpoint: Does Christian Unity Allow for Variety?” (February 8, 1998) The more I get to know Jehovah, the happier I am to belong to his organization, in which we can enjoy a wide variety of personalities.
I. P., Slovenia
I am 15 years old and read Awake! regularly. I especially appreciated this article. One section talked about the Paradise and what it would be like. I had been wondering what perfect humans would be like and if we would all be the same in appearance and thoughts. Now I understand that there will be great variety in both humans and animals.
J. C., United States