From Our Readers
Improving Grades I’m a student in school, and I would like to thank you for the article “Young People Ask . . . Could I Be Doing Better in School?” (March 22, 1998) Although my grades have always been above average, I never really saw much reason to do any better. But because of this interesting and motivating article, I clearly see that I can accomplish more by setting reasonable goals.
B. R., United States
I’m 14 years old, and I never really understood how to study. I decided that some things would be of no use to me in the future and thought it was pointless to study them. Reading this article made me change my mind. Also, I want to thank you for explaining in a very practical way how to study!
K. F., Japan
Grinding Teeth The article “Do You Grind Your Teeth?” (March 22, 1998) fitted my needs. Because I suffer from this problem, I found it very informative and encouraging. I never imagined that you would publish something on this subject. With such a variety of information, you touch each individual reader.
A. M. N. C., Brazil
Women As I began to read the series “Women—What Does the Future Hold for Them?,” in the April 8, 1998, Awake!, tears streamed down my face. I have never been so moved emotionally. Thanks so much for your encouragement to look to the future when oppressive treatment will end.
C. J., United States
I was touched by the difficult life-styles of many women around the world. It brought tears to my eyes to hear of all the things these women have to do—many times bearing the burden all alone. I am a mother of two, and I often cry about the many hardships I face. This article helped me to realize that my lot in life is more agreeable than that of many others.
K. S., United States
Facing Widowhood I would like to express my sincere appreciation for Barbara Schweizer’s story, “Finding Comfort in ‘the Valley of Deep Shadow.’” (April 8, 1998) I have not lost a husband but did lose both parents and a brother within three years. Barbara Schweizer said that her “sadness is something that comes and goes.” I was grateful to read that someone feels the same way I do.
H. T., Hawaii
I am a 17-year-old full-time evangelizer, and even though I do not have any great problems, this story encouraged me to have a joyful and determined spirit. It made me understand that Jehovah is giving me support and will never abandon me.
T. C., Italy
Orthodontics Thank you for the article in the April 8, 1998, issue “Orthodontics—What Is Involved?” I am 12 years old and have recently started wearing braces on my teeth. I’m not too keen on the idea. But your article explained how they will help me and that many people wear braces, so I don’t have to feel embarrassed.
J. L., Canada
I was so delighted with the article on orthodontics! Since childhood I have wanted to have beautiful teeth. Recently, one of my front teeth broke, and I had to have a crown made, which is very expensive. Here in Yugoslavia, dentists often do not have the necessary materials for their work. And private dentists are too expensive for those of us with empty pockets. I can hardly wait for the time in the future when all of us will have perfect teeth!
B. E., Yugoslavia