From Our Readers
Chemical Sensitivity I am 17 years old, and I would like to thank you for the series “Everyday Chemicals—Are They Making You Sick?” (August 8, 2000) I recently received a diagnosis of multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), and it was a great relief to know that I am not the only one to suffer such humiliating symptoms.
S. C., Italy
The articles you previously published on the subject “Is Pollution Making You Sick?” (June 8, 1983) had lifesaving information. This terrible illness excludes us from the vital company of our spiritual family and from social activity. Yet, it is a disease that hardly arouses any understanding or compassion. Your latest articles describe what sufferers really feel.
M. J., France
I was sick for over a year before I found a doctor who could help me. During this time, my friends were kind and nonjudgmental, but I could tell that they really did not understand. So I thank you for these articles. It is wonderful to be part of an organization that is enlightened on so many matters.
S. B., United States
I suffer from MCS and have never read such a thorough, well-balanced coverage of the condition and its consequences. I enjoyed the “prescription” of love and laughter as an aid in coping. Also practical were the reminders to be reasonable in my expectations of others.
D. G., United States
As one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, I have served as a traveling minister for ten years and have met quite a number who were suffering from MCS. It is very evident that this malady is real and is not a figment of their imagination. As usual, Awake! has not only described the malady but also given practical suggestions on how kindness, love, and compassion can be displayed toward sufferers.
T. M., United States
Body Decoration I am writing in response to your article “The Bible’s Viewpoint: Body Decoration—The Need for Reasonableness.” (August 8, 2000) Tasteful body decoration is beautiful—a true work of art. Society may judge me and classify me by my looks, but I know that in God’s eyes I am loved. I hope and pray that others will not dwell on my tattoos but look at what I am inside.
K. M., United States
The article acknowledged that whether a person decides to indulge in body decoration or not is a personal decision. Nevertheless, one way a person gives evidence of being beautiful inside is by ‘adorning himself with modesty and soundness of mind.’ (1 Timothy 2:9) The Bible also makes it clear that a Christian is under obligation to take into account not only his own conscience but “that of the other person.” (1 Corinthians 10:29)—ED.
Language Thank you for the article “Languages—Bridges and Walls to Communication.” (August 8, 2000) Languages have always fascinated me, and I have already learned five European tongues. I am now learning Sinhala. What excites me, though, is that learning a language makes it possible to build a bridge to other cultures and impart the “pure language” of Bible teaching!—Zephaniah 3:9.
C. B., Italy
Grief Thank you for the article “Should Grief Be Expressed?” (August 8, 2000) The subject is close to our hearts because we lost a son three years ago. Even though we still shed tears and grieve, articles like this give us the strength to go on.
J. A. and L. A., United States