From Our Readers
Hate My brother came to visit me recently. I had no idea that he was a self-proclaimed bigot. He spoke of different races and vehemently expressed his disdain for them. I wanted to help him, but I didn’t know how to approach the subject. As soon as I saw the August 8, 2001, issue with the series “Breaking the Cycle of Hate,” I knew it was an answer to my prayer.
L. B., United States
What you wrote was too much for a reasonable person to accept. You said: “The Bible itself says that imperfect humans are born with bad traits and defects. (Genesis 6:5; Deuteronomy 32:5) Of course, those words apply to all humans.” But these scriptures were addressed to two special groups at specific times and at specific places. By no means can they be applied to all humans.
D. C., Czech Republic
“Awake!” responds: True, these words did have specific application to the people who lived before the Flood and to the nation of Israel. However, the Bible repeatedly makes it clear that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23; 5:12; Job 14:4; Psalm 51:5) The Israelites and the people living before the Flood are thus cited as examples of human imperfection.
Diaries You do not know how happy I was to receive the article “The Diary—A Trustworthy Friend.” (August 8, 2001) I am 20 years old and have been keeping a diary since I was 11. You can imagine how I feel when I read of my pranks, my first adolescent crushes, my poems, my embarrassments, and even the day of my baptism and the emotions I felt that day.
L. C., Italy
As a victim of childhood abuse, I have been helped by my diary to know myself better and to deal with emotional pain. I have seen growth in my spirituality.
E. L., United States
Scleroderma Yesterday I had emergency surgery that will probably leave me with impaired vision in my left eye. I was in a state of shock and depression. When I got home, the August 8, 2001, issue had arrived with Marc Holland’s account, “My Fight With Scleroderma.” I was encouraged by his reaction to this awful disease, particularly his faith and determination to continue serving Jehovah. It made my problem seem far less significant.
L. B., United States
Prayer Thank you for the article “Young People Ask . . . How Can Prayer Help Me?” (July 22, 2001) Reading how prayer has helped many young people to face their problems encourages me to open up more to Jehovah myself.
D. B., Italy
The article helped me to realize that I need a closer relationship with God. At my age, 16, it is extremely difficult. There are many temptations and peer pressure. I’m wondering if there’s some way that I could have a Bible.
M. A., United States
“Awake!” responds: Arrangements were made for Jehovah’s Witnesses to call on our reader and supply her with a Bible.
I liked the expressions of young Paul, who said he asked Jehovah for peace of mind. I have always asked Jehovah to help me to stay balanced in my day-to-day life and in the decisions I have to make. Now I shall also ask for peace of mind. We can learn a lot from our young people. I am 62 years old.
M. P., Australia