Table of Contents
May 22, 2002
Globalization—Curse or Cure?
In a new effort to solve world problems, many world leaders are recommending globalization. Yet, nothing seems to spark riots and protests more easily than summit meetings on this subject. What is globalization? Will it solve your problems?
3 Globalization—The Hopes and the Fears
6 Can Globalization Really Solve Our Problems?
11 A Globalization That Will Benefit You
16 A Unique Sanctuary of Mediterranean Wildlife
31 Waste-Disposal Experts of the Insect World
32 Come, Hear the Public Address, “The Scene of This World Is Changing”
Our hearing is a gift to be treasured. Learn how your sense of hearing functions and what you can do to safeguard it.
The Miracle That Is the Ostrich Egg 22
Come visit an ostrich farm, and learn of the fascinating development of an ostrich beginning with egg laying!
[Picture Credit Lines on page 3]
COVER: Mountain High Maps® Copyright © 1997 Digital Wisdom, Inc.; globes on pages 2, 5, 7-10, and 13: NASA photo