Teacher of Astronomy Impressed
Impressed by what? By the book Is There a Creator Who Cares About You? A teacher wrote from Novo-Sakmarsk, Russia, to the branch office in that country. Along with a request for more information, she explained:
“A few days ago, I happened to meet an old acquaintance of mine, and I went to her home. I saw a very interesting, attractive book on her bookshelf. The title interested me—Is There a Creator Who Cares About You?—but even more so did the picture on the cover. I am a teacher of physics and astronomy. When I looked at the book, I was impressed by the wealth of information it contains. Our family has not spoken about religion for three generations. My great-grandmother was religious, but my grandmother was a Communist, and they (Communists) did not believe in a Creator.
“As a teacher of astronomy, I am obliged to tell children about the different hypotheses on the beginning of the universe. I read your book straight through and then decided to write you a letter with my address. . . . I even asked to borrow a Bible so that I could read the scriptures right away.
“Thank you very much for this book! Perhaps I am late with this letter, for the book was released in 1998, but I hope that it is still possible to receive information from you.”
We are pleased to say that you too can request a copy of this 192-page book by filling in the accompanying coupon and mailing it to the address provided or to an appropriate address listed on page 5 of this magazine.
□ Supply me with a copy of the book Is There a Creator Who Cares About You?
□ Please contact me concerning a free home Bible study.
[Picture Credit Line on page 32]
J. Hester and P. Scowen (AZ State Univ.), NASA