From Our Readers
Globalization I appreciated your cover series “Globalization—Curse or Cure?” (May 22, 2002) I have attended several lectures regarding globalization and found the presentations biased and partisan. The speakers would either try to favor globalization by citing its benefits or criticize it without providing an alternative. Yet, as your articles pointed out, God’s Kingdom will bring about a globalization that will benefit each one of us. How eagerly I wait for such beneficial changes to come!
E. F., Philippines
Once again you have written a very fine article that will generate wide acclaim. As your conclusion emphasizes, the only solution for mankind is the rulership of God’s Kingdom over a paradise earth. I just wish to express my appreciation for your fine work in producing articles that are relevant to the perilous days we live in.
G. B., Ireland
I would like to thank you for your praiseworthy evangelizing work. I read the cover series “Globalization—Curse or Cure?” and found it to be remarkably accurate. This series helps us to become aware of our human limitations. It also helps us to appreciate that if we do not live in harmony with Jehovah’s laws, things cannot succeed.
J. D., Belgium
I wish to express my admiration for the articles on globalization. They were very well written and illustrated. Before reading these articles, I did not have the slightest idea of the meaning of the term, but now I feel well-informed. I always enjoy reading Awake!
E. K., Peru
Hearing Many thanks for the article “Protect Your Hearing!” (May 22, 2002) I am in my first year of training to be a hearing-aid specialist, so I see the effects of noise every day. In particular, it is important to make youths aware of the everyday noise they expose themselves to.
C. K., Germany
Young People Ask I found the article “Young People Ask . . . How Can I Find a Good Roommate?” (May 22, 2002) to be very informative. I am not young, but recently I was divorced from my husband. I was shocked to find that because of the high cost of living, I could not make it on my own. My only recourse was to find a roommate. I thought that because of my age, this was going to be a real challenge. A young sister, new in our congregation, needed a roommate too. We moved in together. The arrangement was really a blessing. After a while, we found ourselves in a financial dilemma, and another sister moved in with us. I have to say that only in Jehovah’s organization could a 60-year-old grandmother and two young women from different backgrounds find so much peace and love living together! We’ve become a little family, and in many ways it has filled a void in our lives.
L. G., United States
Watching the World Thank you for the “Watching the World” item entitled “Understanding Mental Illness.” (May 22, 2002) I have had bipolar disorder for 18 years. Despite this illness, I have lived a productive life. I have raised three sons and have been a good wife to my husband. I have also helped some individuals to a knowledge of the Bible. I have a loving family and loving friends in the congregation. Thank you for Awake! It brings all of us up to the same level of education.
H. B., South Africa
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