Seek Out Help
“If somebody could overpower one alone, two together could make a stand against him.”—Ecclesiastes 4:12.
WHEN we have the support of others, we have a greater chance of success against a foe—whoever or whatever that foe may be. So if you want to conquer the smoking habit, you may be wise to look to your family and friends for help—or to anyone who will be genuinely supportive and patient.
Consider seeking out those who have quit the habit themselves, since they may be not only empathetic but also helpful. “The support of others was invaluable to me,” says Torben, a Christian in Denmark. Abraham, who lives in India, writes: “The genuine love shown by my family and fellow Christians helped me to quit.” But sometimes even the support of family and friends is not enough.
“I smoked for 27 years,” says a man named Bhagwandas, “but because of learning what the Bible says about unclean habits, I decided to quit. I tried cutting back. I changed my associates. And I went for counseling. Nothing worked. Finally, one night I opened my heart to Jehovah God in prayer and begged him to help me quit. Then, at last, I succeeded!”
Another important thing to do is prepare for the hurdles you will likely face. What are these? The next article explains.
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Medications to help smokers quit, such as the nicotine patch, have become a multibillion-dollar industry. Before going down that road, consider the following questions:
What are the benefits? Many therapies are said to increase your chances of quitting by reducing withdrawal symptoms. There is some debate, though, about their long-term effectiveness.
What are the risks? Some medications have potential side effects, such as nausea, depression, and suicidal thoughts. Keep in mind too that nicotine-replacement therapies simply provide another form of the drug, along with its health risks. In reality, therefore, the person using them is still in a state of addiction.
What alternatives exist? In one survey 88 percent of successful quitters said that they went cold turkey by abruptly ceasing tobacco use without the aid of drugs.