Enjoy a Preview of Christ’s Thousand-Year Reign
Divine victory will usher in the glorious thousand-year reign of Jesus Christ. Would you like a preview of that thrilling era just ahead? It is yours in the absorbing book God’s Kingdom of a Thousand Years Has Approached. This 416-page volume answers many questions about Christ’s reign. Discover who will be associated with him in his righteous government. Learn why they qualify for their position as kings, priests and judges. Consider evidence that the thousand-year reign of that Kingdom government is now near at hand!
This revealing book examines the perplexing events of our day in the light of the Christian Greek Scriptures. It shows beyond doubt that mankind now lives in the Biblically foretold “time of the end.” Made clear is the entire “sign” that Jesus gave to mark the conclusion of this worldly system of things. Included are Christ’s prophetic parables about the ten virgins, the talents and the sheep and the goats. Especially does this fascinating volume disclose what honest-hearted persons must do now to gain life under the rule of the King of kings. This hardbound book will be sent to you, postpaid, for only 50c.
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