Song 175
The Heavens Declare God’s Glory
1. The heav’ns declare the glory of Jehovah;
The workings of his hands in skies above we see.
Yes, day to day pours forth his praise;
Night tells to night of knowledge, might, and majesty.
2. Jehovah’s law is perfect, life restoring,
And his reminders make the inexperienced wise.
His orders make the heart rejoice;
His clean command, which firm will stand, makes shine our eyes.
3. Jehovah’s fear is pure and stands forever.
Our God’s judicial rulings righteous are and true
And more desired than much fine gold,
A joy to eat, like honey sweet, forever new.
4. We thank you for your laws, reminders, orders;
By keeping them, we’re sure to reap a large reward.
O may our works and inmost thoughts
Prove upright, true, and thus please you, our Sov’reign Lord.