Song 187
All Things Made New
1. The signs of the times prove God’s rule has begun.
In glory enthroned sits Jehovah’s Son.
The battle in heaven he’s fought and won,
And soon on the earth shall God’s will be done.
2. Let all men the chaste New Jerusalem see,
The bride of God’s Lamb, shining radiantly.
Adorned now with most precious gems is she,
And only Jehovah her light will be.
3. This city so fair will be all men’s delight.
Its gates will be open both day and night.
All nations will walk in her glory bright.
O servants of God, now reflect that light.
Rejoice, for God’s tent is with men
And he himself resides with them.
No more will there be pain or crying,
No sorrowing nor any dying;
For God has said: ‘I’m making all things new.
These words faithful are and true.’