How does Jehovah view humble ones and haughty ones?
Ps 138:6; Pr 15:25; 16:18, 19; 22:4; 1Pe 5:5
See also Pr 29:23; Isa 2:11, 12
Relevant Bible account(s):
2Ch 26:3-5, 16-21—King Uzziah becomes haughty; he breaks God’s Law and becomes enraged when counseled; he is stricken with leprosy by God
Lu 18:9-14—Jesus uses an illustration to explain how Jehovah feels about the prayers of the haughty and of the humble
How does Jehovah respond to humble, heartfelt repentance?
Relevant Bible account(s):
2Ch 12:5-7—King Rehoboam and the princes of Judah humble themselves before Jehovah, averting disaster
2Ch 32:24-26—Good King Hezekiah becomes haughty, but Jehovah forgives him when he humbles himself
How does showing humility help us improve our relationships with others?
Eph 4:1, 2; Php 2:3; Col 3:12, 13
Relevant Bible account(s):
Ge 33:3, 4—Jacob shows extraordinary humility in greeting his formerly hostile brother, Esau, leading to peace between them
Jg 8:1-3—Judge Gideon humbly tells the men of Ephraim that they are superior to him, defusing their anger and averting conflict
How did Jesus Christ teach the value of humility?
Mt 18:1-5; 23:11, 12; Mr 10:41-45
Relevant Bible account(s):
Isa 53:7; Php 2:7, 8—As prophesied, Jesus humbly accepts his earthly assignment and even submits to a painful and humiliating death
Lu 14:7-11—Jesus uses the seating arrangements at a feast to illustrate the practical value of humility
Joh 13:3-17—Jesus sets the pattern for his followers by humbly doing the lowly job of washing the feet of his apostles