(On·e·siphʹo·rus) [Profit Bearer].
A Christian referred to in Paul’s second letter to Timothy. (2Ti 4:19) In contrast with others in the district of Asia who turned away from Paul, Onesiphorus remained a loyal supporter and, when in Rome, diligently hunted to find Paul in spite of the risk to himself. He was not ashamed of Paul’s prison bonds but rendered the apostle good service, as he had done in Ephesus. Paul greatly appreciated this loyalty and prayed that Onesiphorus and his household would receive of Jehovah’s mercy.—2Ti 1:15-18.
The fact that Paul sent greetings to the household of Onesiphorus rather than to Onesiphorus himself (2Ti 4:19) does not necessarily indicate that he was no longer alive, though such might be true. He may simply have been away from his family at the time or may even be included in the general greeting sent to his household of believers.