An expression applied both to the tent of Moses (Ex 33:7) and to the sacred tabernacle erected in the wilderness. (Ex 39:32, 40; 40:2, 6, 7, 22, 24, 26, 29, 30, 32, 34, 35) For a time until the erection of the tabernacle, the tent of Moses served as a temporary sanctuary. This was because the cloud, representing Jehovah’s presence, stationed itself “at” (likely, in front of) the entrance of this tent whenever Moses entered, and Jehovah communicated with Moses there. It was called the “tent of meeting,” evidently because the people had to go there to inquire of Jehovah and thus, in effect, they met Jehovah there. (Ex 33:7-11) Apparently for the same reason the sacred tabernacle was termed the “tent of meeting.”—See TABERNACLE.