(A·biʹud) [probably from the Hebrew ʼAvi·hudhʹ, meaning “the father of renown” or “the father is majesty”].
The Greekized or Anglicized form of the Hebrew name Abihud. A descendant of Zerubbabel and an ancestor of Christ Jesus. (Matt. 1:13) The term “father” as used by Matthew may have the meaning of “forefather.” Some authorities suggest that he may be the same as “Joda” at Luke 3:26. However, it is not necessary to relate these persons as being the same individual, since the genealogical lines given by Matthew and Luke are only parallel, not identical, while those at 1 Chronicles are independent. Abiud’s son, Eliakim, is also included in the line of descent of the Messiah.—Matt. 1:13.