(Beʹla) [swallowing up; devouring; a thing swallowed].
1. The firstborn son of Benjamin, and one of Jacob’s household that “came to Jacob into Egypt.” He became the family head of the Belaites.—Gen. 46:8, 21; Num. 26:38; 1 Chron. 7:6; 8:1-5.
2. The son of Beor and the first-named king of Edom. Long before Israel had a king, Bela reigned in his capital city of Dinhabah.—Gen. 36:31, 32; 1 Chron. 1:43.
3. A son of Azaz of the tribe of Reuben.—1 Chron. 5:8.
4. A variant, and apparently earlier, name for the city of Zoar and mentioned along with other cities of the plain at Genesis 14:2, 8; see ZOAR.