A city among those reproached by Jesus and located at the NW end of the Sea of Galilee. (Matt. 11:21) It is usually identified by geographers with Khirbet Kerazeh, only about two miles (3.2 kilometers) N of the suggested site of ancient Capernaum (vs. 23), the city that Jesus apparently used as a base of operations during his great Galilean ministry of over two years’ duration. Jesus pronounced coming “woe” for the Jewish inhabitants of Chorazin who, during that period, were witnesses of “powerful works” that would have moved the pagans of Tyre and Sidon to repentance, yet who failed to act on Jesus’ message. After this, in the fall of 32 C.E., when dispatching the seventy disciples during the later Judean ministry, Jesus inserted a reference to Chorazin’s impenitent attitude into his discussion apparently to illustrate verbally how his disciples were to ‘wipe the dust’ of those cities that ‘disregarded’ them off their feet.—Luke 10:10-16.