[Heb., mil·leʼʹ yadh, install, empower; literally, fill the hand].
This term, translated “consecrate” in many versions, is used with reference to putting full power in the hands of those who are to serve in a priestly office. At their installation as priests of Jehovah, Aaron and his sons had their hands filled with power to serve in that capacity. (Ex. 28:41; 29:9, 29, 33, 35; Lev. 8:33; 16:32; 21:10; Num. 3:3) To symbolize this, the ram of installation was killed and cut up and parts of it together with certain baked items from the basket of unfermented cakes were put by Moses upon the palms of Aaron and his sons, and then were waved before Jehovah. Finally the things waved were made to smoke upon the altar on top of the burnt offering.—Ex. 29:19-25; Lev. 8:22-28.
Others, too, filled the hands of their priests with power. Idolatrous Micah empowered first a son and then an unfaithful Levite to be priests for his “house of gods.” (Judg. 17:5, 12) Later, King Jeroboam, in instituting calf worship in Israel, installed his own priests from the people in general; the Aaronic priests and the Levites remained loyal to Jehovah’s worship centered at Jerusalem and were, evidently for this reason, driven out of the ten-tribe kingdom.—1 Ki. 12:31; 13:33; 2 Chron. 13:9; see ANOINTED, ANOINTING; CHRIST; INSTALLATION; PRIEST.