Evidently a symbolic place, also called the “low plain of the decision.” (Joel 3:2, 14) Since it relates to God’s execution of judgment, it is appropriately designated as the “low plain of Jehoshaphat,” for the name “Jehoshaphat” means “Jehovah is Judge.” Also, during Jehoshaphat’s reign Jehovah delivered Judah and Jerusalem from the combined forces of Ammon, Moab and the mountainous region of Seir, causing the enemy forces to become confused and to slaughter one another.—2 Chron. 20:1-29.
At the symbolic “low plain of Jehoshaphat” Jehovah judges the nations as worthy of execution on account of their mistreatment of his people. The low plain itself serves as a huge symbolic winepress for crushing the nations like bunches of grapes. To link the “low plain of Jehoshaphat” literally with the Kidron Valley or the Valley of Hinnom, as some have done, is hardly plausible. Neither one of these valleys would be large enough to accommodate “all” the nations.—Joel 3:1-3, 12-14; compare Revelation 14:18-20.