(Trophʹi·mus) [nutritious].
A co-worker of the apostle Paul; an Ephesian Gentile Christian. (Acts 21:29) Trophimus became a Christian perhaps during Paul’s extended Ephesian ministry on his third missionary journey. Afterward Trophimus was one of Paul’s traveling companions on the return leg of the trip through Macedonia into Asia Minor and on to Jerusalem. (Acts 20:3-5, 17, 22) There Trophimus was seen with Paul, and when Paul took several others along with him into the temple grounds the Jews thought that Trophimus, a Gentile, went beyond the Court of the Gentiles, thereby defiling the temple. On this false assumption they mobbed Paul. (Acts 21:26-30; 24:6) Some years later, after Paul’s first imprisonment, Trophimus traveled with him again. But when they got to Miletus, not far from Trophimus’ hometown, Trophimus became sick and was unable to continue.—2 Tim. 4:20.