(See also Evolution)
(Note centered heading below: Quotations)
Aegyptopithecus: ce 91
ancestors of—
dinosaurs: ce 64
first life-forms: ce 59-63, 68
antiquity guesses: g58 4/22 19-20; w54 68; g54 2/8 4, 7
ape-men: ce 83-98; g81 6/22 13-15; g73 10/22 18-21; ev 78-94
Australopithecus: ce 93-94; g81 6/22 15; w77 424; w76 71; g76 6/8 29; g73 10/22 19-20; g72 4/22 30; g71 8/8 30; ev 83-85; g53 1/8 5-6; ew 11; g49 3/8 8
Cro-Magnon man: ce 95; ev 89-90; g51 4/8 11; g51 12/8 21; g49 3/8 8
discussion: g81 6/22 13-15; g73 10/22 17-21; ev 44-49; g67 4/22 11-12
Galley Hill man: g53 1/8 6
Heidelberg man: w54 68; g54 2/8 6; g51 4/8 10; ew 11; g49 3/8 8
Homo erectus: ce 95; g81 6/22 15
Java man: g81 6/22 14; ev 86, 89-90, 93; g63 4/22 10; g58 4/22 19-20; w54 68; g54 2/8 5-6; g53 1/8 6; g51 4/8 9-10; g51 12/8 21; ew 10; g49 3/8 9
Neanderthal man: ce 95; g81 6/22 14-15; g69 3/22 8; ev 87-89; w64 589; w63 295; g63 4/22 9; g62 7/8 15; g58 4/22 17-18; g54 2/8 6; g53 1/8 6-7; lg 79; g51 4/8 11; g51 12/8 21; ew 11; g49 3/8 8
Peking man: ev 86, 92; w63 295; w54 68; g54 2/8 6; g53 1/8 6; g51 4/8 10-11; g51 12/8 21; ew 11
Piltdown man: ce 90; g81 1/8 29; g81 6/22 14; w79 1/15 27; g76 12/8 7-8; ev 93-94; ms 180; g63 4/22 10; g58 4/22 19-20; g57 7/8 6; w54 67-69; g54 2/8 3-5, 23; g53 1/8 6; lg 79; g51 4/8 10; g51 12/8 21; ew 10-11; g49 3/8 8
Plesianthropus: g53 1/8 5; ew 11
Ramapithecus: ce 91-93
search for: g71 8/8 30
virus: g54 3/8 19
cannot trace modern man back to extinct types: w54 68; lg 79
can only be guessed at: ce 88-89
fossil-free: ce 85
holy grail of a never dying sect of anatomists and biologists: ce 87
in the fossil record, missing links are the rule: ce 87
“link” dangerous word: g52 12/8 8
lungfishes rejected: g52 12/8 5
misinterpretations: w54 68; lg 80; ew 12
misleading phrase: ew 9
modern man not descendant of Neanderthals: g53 1/8 7
non-conforming fossils forgotten or destroyed: w54 68; lg 79
one looks in vain for links: g52 12/8 4
paleontology knows no ancestors of man: w54 68; g53 1/8 6; lg 79; ew 12
remain a phantom: w54 68; lg 79-80; ew 12
scientists have not seen: g53 1/8 6
stages of horse appeared suddenly: g52 12/8 8
tantalisingly incomplete, fragmentary and inconclusive: ce 85