(See also Milky Way [Galaxy]; Nebula; Stars; Universe)
Andromeda: g96 1/22 9
rotation: g96 1/22 14
black holes possibly at centers: g98 7/22 15-16
Cartwheel galaxy: g96 1/22 10
discussion: cl 50-51; it-2 1031-1032; w04 6/1 11; g92 3/22 7
distance from earth: g96 1/22 4, 8-9
Einstein rings: g03 6/8 17
“empty” area in outer space full of: g98 1/8 27
number: it-2 1031-1032; w11 2/15 6; w08 8/15 13; w99 6/15 16; ct 15; g96 7/8 28
number visible: it-2 1032
photos: g03 6/8 16; ct 12-13; g92 3/22 7
problem of explaining existence: g99 6/22 5; w89 9/15 31
receding: g99 6/22 3-4
rotation: g96 1/22 14
size: cl 51; g91 8/8 24-25
largest known: g91 8/8 25; g88 1/22 30
structures of galaxies: cl 175; g96 1/22 5-6, 9-10
“bubbles”: g96 1/22 5
clusters: ct 10
filaments: g 2/09 30
Great Attractor: g96 1/22 5; g90 6/8 28
Great Wall: g96 1/22 5; g90 6/8 28; g90 6/22 29