70 families after Flood: it-1 329; si 15
unique in ancient literature (quote): it-1 907
authenticity: si 13-14
“Genesis—Inspired and Beneficial”: si 18
origin of nations: it-1 329
creation account: ijwbq article 173; it-1 526-528, 545; lfb 8-9; lc 24, 26-28; bm 4; ct 85, 92-102; rs 88; g88 12/8 24-27
Adam: it-2 246, 1005-1006, 1024-1025; wp17.4 5; w09 9/1 12-13; w89 8/1 10-12; g88 12/8 26-27; vi 9-10
Adam likely given: w89 8/1 16-17
banned in some Australian schools: g86 6/22 29
dinosaurs: ijwbq article 138; g90 2/8 11
essential elements in the astronomical and biblical accounts of Genesis are the same (quote): wi 6; gm 101; rs 62; w87 7/15 5
Eve: lfb 10-11; w14 8/15 6-7; w11 1/1 7; w89 8/1 17-19
evolution not implied: g 10/15 9; g 1/14 13; g 3/14 5; g 9/06 9-10, 20
geologist comments on: w07 2/15 6; ct 101-102
Hindu writings reflect: vi 4
historicity: g 9/06 9-10
“kinds”: ijwbq article 165; g21.3 12; it-2 152-153, 882; g 3/14 5; lc 19, 27-28; g 9/06 13-14, 20; rs 86-87; g88 12/8 25-26
length of creative days: ijwbq article 173; ijwyp article 35; g21.3 12; it-1 545; w15 6/1 5; g 1/14 12; g 3/14 5; lc 24, 26; g 9/06 19; g02 6/8 10-11; ct 92-93; rs 125-126
length of creative week: w87 1/1 30
not derived from pagan: it-1 545-546, 922
scientifically sound: ijwbq article 173; lff lesson 6; g21.3 10-13; w07 2/15 5-6, 8; g 9/06 18-20; g04 6/22 8, 10
sun, moon, and stars: ijwbq article 173
two accounts complementary: gm 94-95
discussion: it-1 919-923; si 13-19
Flood: it-1 327-328; lfb 12-13, 18-21; w13 8/1 12-14; bm 6; my story 10; w02 3/1 3-7; w01 11/15 30-31
authenticity: it-1 327-328; w02 3/1 4-5; gm 110-116
book The Flood Reconsidered: g89 1/8 7
comment by archaeologist: Lmn 7
comment by conservationist: w88 8/15 31
“kinds”: it-1 164-165; it-2 153
legends: it-1 328; w07 6/1 6; w02 3/1 4; sh 46-52; gm 115-116; g89 1/8 7; g88 5/8 31; w86 9/15 4, 30
Noah’s log: w13 8/1 14; w03 5/15 3-7
garden of Eden account no myth: w11 1/1 3-9; w89 8/1 22-24
highlights: w04 1/1 28-31; w04 1/15 26-29
historical: it-1 922; g 11/07 22
Jehovah’s name: it-1 78
legends reflecting: sh 36-40, 45-52
maps for: nwt 1768-1769; bi12 1648
name: si 13
pre-Flood times: ijwbq article 156; w05 9/1 15-16; w02 3/1 5-6
Greek mythology derived from: it-1 1001; w00 4/15 27
life span: wp19.3 7; w10 12/1 12-14; g 7/07 30; g 5/06 8; w03 5/15 5; w02 3/1 5-6; rs 94-95
sources: it-1 919-920; si 10, 13
not indicated by “this is the history”: it-2 1212
summary of contents: it-1 921; nwt 41-43; w04 1/1 28, 30-31; w04 1/15 26, 28-29; ct 121-123; si 14-17
time and place written: it-1 919; si 13, 295
use of “Almighty”: it-1 78
video Introduction to Genesis: mwb20.01 2
why beneficial: it-1 922-923; g01 3/8 9-10; si 17-19; g88 12/8 27
writer: it-1 919-922; si 13
documentary theory (J, E, P, etc.): it-1 920