(See also Garden of Eden; New Earth; Parks; Spiritual Paradise)
belief in a paradise compartment of Sheol or Hades: it-2 575-576; rs 286
Bible usage: w18.12 8
Christendom’s view: w06 8/15 3; jv 38
criminal (evildoer) (Lu 23:43): w22.12 8-9, 13; w21.04 9; w18.12 6-7; it-2 575-576, 787-788; jy 314, 316; w14 6/1 10; w13 3/1 9; w13 6/1 14-15; w09 8/15 10-11; g 2/08 11; g 2/06 8; lr 188-190; g00 2/22 8-9; g97 4/8 8-9; kl 8-9; w94 4/1 6; w94 6/15 6; w91 6/1 8; gt chapter 133; w89 8/15 7, 10-11, 14, 18-19; pe 170-171; rs 285-288; g86 10/8 27
“today”: w18.12 6; it-2 575; w13 3/1 9; w91 3/1 27; w91 10/15 29-30; yb87 122
discussion: w18.12 3-7; it-2 574-576; wp17.4 14-15; g 1/13 14-15; g97 10/8 3-11; rs 284-288; g86 8/22 17-21
earthly, after great tribulation: w22.12 8-13; cl 82-83; wp21.2 13-14; g21.1 13; mwb17.02 7; bhs 4-5, 34-36, 39; bh 4-5, 33-36; kr 235-237, 240; nwt 20-21; g 1/13 15; w10 12/1 25; rk 16-17; w09 3/15 11-13; w09 12/1 6-7; w08 8/1 7-8; g 4/08 8-9; g 9/08 7-10; w07 3/15 5-6; w06 5/15 4-7; w06 8/15 4-7; lr 250-256; ol 30; w00 4/15 12-13, 16-18; gf 8-9; g97 4/8 8-10; g97 10/8 8-11; kl 8-10, 182-184, 188-189; Lmn 3-4
Isaiah 35: ip-1 369-381; w96 2/15 17-18
Ezekiel: rr 109-110, 208-210
Daniel’s “lot” (Da 12:13): w17.12 7; w00 5/15 19; dp 317-318
how Jehovah guarantees: w23.11 2-7
reference in Christian Scriptures: rs 285-286
references in Minor Prophets: jd 190-191
righteousness to sprout (Isa 61:11): ip-2 333-334
Eden: w23.03 15-16; it-1 676; it-2 575; wp17.4 14; my stories 2-3; gu 6-7; kl 8-9; w89 8/1 10-27
efforts to find: wp17.4 14-15
failure of human efforts to achieve: g97 10/8 4-7
God’s purpose for mankind: wp17.4 15; fg 10-11; w11 4/1 16-17; w10 12/1 25; g 5/08 10-11; g 12/08 7-8; w06 5/15 3; w06 8/15 5-7; g05 4/22 10-11; my stories 71, 115; ip-2 88-90; rq 10-11; kl 8-9; w89 8/1 10-27
Greek word: w18.12 4; it-2 574-575
Hawaii: g86 8/22 18
heavenly paradise (Re 2:7): it-2 576; w10 12/1 25; w09 1/15 31; re 36-37; w03 5/15 11
Hebrew word: it-2 574-575, 578; w89 8/15 10-11
historical dreams of: wp17.4 14-15; w94 4/1 3-6
hope of: w03 11/15 3-7
basis for: w04 10/15 8-13; w89 8/15 10-15; g86 8/22 19-21
not building faith solely on: w99 7/15 9, 12, 18-20
Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained (John Milton): wp17.4 15; w09 8/15 14; w07 9/15 11-12; w03 11/15 3
human longing for: g03 8/8 17, 19; ip-1 369; g97 4/8 3-10
Israel (ancient): w04 10/15 11-13
legends of: wp17.4 14; g 5/08 10; sh 36-39
meaning of term: it-2 575; nwt 1706; g97 10/8 3; rs 284; tp 96
Muslim belief: gu 1-32; sh 300
Paul’s vision (2Co 12:4): w18.12 8; it-2 576; w08 7/15 28; w04 10/15 8-10; w00 7/15 27
understanding clarified (2015): w15 7/15 8-9
restoration in ancient Judah: ip-2 168-169