(See also Shunammite)
awesomeness: it-1 223
beauty: w89 2/1 3, 5
compared to date palm (Ca 7:7): w07 9/15 32
eyes: it-1 263
attitude toward Shulammite: it-2 996
“if she should be a door” (Ca 8:9): it-1 645
protectiveness: it-2 994-995; w15 1/15 32; g94 3/22 16-17
discussion: ijwbq article 161; it-2 937, 994-996; w06 11/15 17-20; si 116-117; w87 11/15 24-25
example for Christians: mwb16.11 8
example of chasteness: scl 22; w00 11/1 11-12
example of firmness: g91 5/22 13-14
example of good judgment: yp2 33
example of love: w15 1/15 29-31; w12 5/15 4; w06 11/15 17-20; w97 10/1 30
example of loyalty: w07 2/15 22
shepherd suitor:
invitation for romantic walk: w15 1/15 32; g94 3/22 16-17