(See also Apparitions; Holy Spirit; Life Force; Spiritism)
discussion: it-2 1017-1027; rs 380-384
Greek word: ijwbq article 81; it-1 1206; it-2 1007, 1017-1020, 1026; bh 210; w94 4/1 14-15; rs 380
Hebrew words: ijwbq article 81; it-2 1017-1020, 1022, 1024-1026; bh 210; w99 4/1 17; ie 24; rs 380
life force: it-2 246, 1024-1026; bh 210-211; w01 7/15 4-5; kl 80-82; pe 77, 79
animals: w01 7/15 4-5; kl 82; rs 383
impersonal: it-2 1025
‘no man can restrain the spirit’ (Ec 8:8): it-2 1170
relationship to breath: it-2 1024-1025; w01 7/15 4
Sanskrit and daughter languages: vi 8-10, 30-31
soul differs: it-2 1007; bh 210-211; bi12 1644; rs 378; vi 10
“spirit goes out” (Ps 146:4): it-2 1025; w99 4/1 16-17; ie 24; kl 81-82; rs 382-383, 385
‘spirit returns to God’ (Ec 12:7): it-2 1025; bh 211; w01 7/15 5-6; w99 4/1 17; ie 24; w96 10/15 5-6; w94 6/15 5-6; pe 79; rs 378
meaning of term: ijwbq articles 81, 182; it-2 1017; bhs 215; nwt 1712; w99 4/1 17; ie 24; rs 380
mental disposition: it-2 1026-1027
“bad spirit from Jehovah” (1Sa 16:14): it-2 871-872; w05 3/15 23; w89 1/1 27
benefits of divine teaching: w94 2/1 16-17
bodies of elders: w88 10/1 17-18
Christian spirit: w12 10/15 12-16; w87 8/1 26-29
congregation: w12 2/15 18-22; w12 10/15 15-16; w08 7/15 26-27; km 11/94 2
“dominant mental attitude” (Eph 4:23): w19.06 10-12; it-2 404, 1026; km 2/99 1; w93 3/1 16-17
‘eager, but flesh weak’ (Mt 26:41; Mr 14:38): w24.07 14; w16.07 17; kp 25-26; w00 11/15 23
elders: w94 1/15 17-19
family with ill member: fy 120-122
group of people: it-2 1027
“guard yourselves respecting” (Mal 2:16): jd 127
holy spirit “bears witness with our spirit” (Ro 8:16): w20.01 22-23; w02 2/1 20; w98 2/15 14-15
how Proverbs affects: it-2 706
Jesus Christ: w97 2/1 17-18
‘Lord be with the spirit you show’: w12 10/15 12
mildness of: it-2 400
missionary spirit: w16.03 23-24
“quiet and mild spirit” (1Pe 3:4): w07 5/1 22-23
relationship to heart: it-2 1026; w07 5/15 18
self-control: it-2 1026-1027; w97 3/15 13-14; w90 9/15 21-23
spirit of a sound mind: ijwbv article 24; w13 9/15 23-24
spirit of the prophets: w16.03 26-28
“spirit of the world” (1Co 2:12): w18.07 25; it-2 1027; lvs 63-64, 244-245; w16.07 16-17; lv 53-55; w12 7/15 10; w12 10/15 13; w11 3/15 8-12; w11 12/15 15-16; w10 7/15 4; w08 9/15 20-24; w06 10/1 23-24; w04 4/1 9-14; w03 7/1 6; w99 9/1 8-13; w97 10/1 25-29; w96 2/1 25; w94 4/1 14-19; rs 389-393; w87 9/15 11-20; tp 125-127
‘spirit operating in sons of disobedience’ (Eph 2:2): w12 10/15 13; w10 7/15 4; w07 6/1 5-6; w07 6/15 26; w96 2/1 25
volunteer spirit: km 12/06 6
“willing spirit” (Ps 51:12): w93 3/15 15
survives death conscious: it-2 1025; w06 3/15 4-5; ol 13; w01 7/15 3-7; w99 4/1 16-17; ie 24; rs 382-384
“spirit of his mouth”:
Jehovah (Ps 33:6): w86 8/15 21
Jesus (2Th 2:8): it-2 1022; w08 9/15 30
spirit persons: it-2 1018-1019; bhs 105-115; bh 96-101, 103-105; w10 11/1 16-17; w10 12/1 3-9; ol 8-11; g96 11/22 4-10
African beliefs: sp 2-3; ol 8, 12; g96 11/22 3-4, 6
angels: ijwbq article 117; it-1 106; it-2 1018; wp17.5 4; g17.3 14-15; bhs 105-107, 114, 210; bh 96-98; nwt 1692-1693; w12 7/1 16; w10 2/1 5; w10 12/1 4-5; rk 11; w09 5/15 21-25; w06 1/15 3-7; sp 7; w86 12/15 29
belief in corn (grain) spirit: w97 9/15 8-9
bodies: it-1 348
creation: ct 86-88
“deceptive spirit” (1Ki 22:22): it-2 245
demons: it-1 612-614; it-2 1018-1019; wp17.5 6; bhs 107-109, 111-113, 115; bh 98-101, 103-105; w12 7/1 17; w10 12/1 5-6; g 8/10 20-21; lr 57-61; ol 11; kl 108-117; w94 2/1 3-7; w87 9/1 3-5
Jehovah: lff lesson 7; it-2 1018; g 5/13 14; fg 4; w10 12/1 4; w04 5/15 4; ct 85; vi 9
Jesus: it-2 1018
Jesus “declared righteous in spirit” (1Ti 3:16): w90 1/15 13
Jesus “made alive in the spirit” (1Pe 3:18): w14 11/15 4
not the dead: w10 12/1 8; g 8/06 28-29; sp 4-6
resurrected anointed Christians: w10 12/1 6
“spirits in prison” (1Pe 3:19): it-1 1089; it-2 674, 1068; w13 6/15 23; w06 1/15 6-7; w90 1/15 13; rs 163
teaching children about: lr 47-51, 57-66
“wicked spirit forces” (Eph 6:12): w18.05 27; it-2 1018-1019; w11 9/1 7; w07 3/15 27-28; w04 9/15 10-11
wind: it-2 1017-1018, 1024-1025
worship “with spirit” (Joh 4:23, 24): it-2 1211-1212; wp16.2 9; w02 7/15 15; w01 9/15 28; vi 21-22