Life-giving Knowledge
THIS old world considers itself pretty smart. Its institutions of learning pride themselves in the crop of mental giants they have turned out, men highly educated in political, commercial, philosophical and military affairs. Its brainy scientists and engineers proudly brag of their accomplishments in chemical synthesis and nuclear fission. But the sad fact remains: Socially and morally, physically and mentally, this is a very sick, diseased and dying old world. With all of its boasted learning in the arts and sciences, it simply is not able to relieve the pain or remedy the killing conditions that afflict its people. It cannot give them eternal joy, health, happiness and life!a
Why is this? Because the mighty men of this old world, wise in their own conceits, are woefully ignorant of the Source of life and its blessings. They have absolutely no knowledge of the great Fountain of Life, Jehovah God. The highly respected religious leaders, who are looked up to and followed, have rejected the Book of Life, the Bible, have thrown away the key of knowledge, and have substituted pagan philosophies and the traditions of men for the wisdom of God. Posing as saviors of the world, they have promised the people freedom, while at the same time they themselves are in bondage as slavish captives of sin and death. A simple case of the blind leading the blind.—Isa. 9:16; Matt. 15:5-9, 14; 23:16; Luke 11:52; 2 Pet. 2:19.
But just as truly as this crowd of unrighteous ones “are destroyed for lack of knowledge”, so also is the converse true: “Through knowledge shall the righteous be delivered.” (Hos. 4:6; Prov. 11:9, AS) The latter class turn away in disgust from the blind leaders of the world and seek instruction from the only Source of true knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Appreciating that there is a way that seems right but which leads to destruction, that it is not in man to direct his own steps aright, and having a proper fear of Jehovah which “is the beginning of knowledge”, these wise ones seek to be guided and taught by Jehovah God.—Prov. 1:7; 14:12; Jer. 10:23; Ps. 111:10.
In such meekness there is great reward. (Ps. 25:9) God provides these, not only with his Word of truth, but also with a trustworthy instructor, Christ Jesus, who in reality is Jehovah God’s Dispenser of life, as it is written: “The Father loves the Son and has given all things into his hand. He that exercises faith in the Son has everlasting life; he that disobeys the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God remains upon him.” This is why Jesus in his prayer to the Fountainhead of Life said: “This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.”—John 3:35, 36; 17:3, NW.
If therefore you will be wise, do not put your trust in the vain philosophies and fantastic schemes of this old world. Such would only keep you in bondage; they cannot give you life or even temporary relief from suffering. Take in life-giving knowledge of Jehovah God. Learn about his beloved Son who is now enthroned as the great Messianic king. Soon this glorious one will destroy those that destroy the earth, in order that he may transform this globe into a beautiful paradise of perfection like the garden of Eden. Ah, what wonderful prospects for all men of good will—eternal life with health and happiness, peace and contentment!
a An extended coverage of the subject is found in The Watchtower, September 1, 1950.