1953 Convention Dates July 19 to 26
The Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society has arranged to hold its international convention in 1953 at the Yankee Stadium in New York city. The dates selected are Sunday, July 19, to and including Sunday, July 26. This gathering of the Lord’s people will be for eight days.
Our brothers from all parts of the world will be making inquiry now about travel to New York and what the best means would be. For such information all persons desiring to attend the assembly should communicate with their branch office. These offices will be gathering such information. Expressions from our brothers in all parts of the world are numerous, saying that they are happy New York is again to be the assembly point, because it means they can come to the central headquarters of the Lord’s organization and visit the Bethel home and the Society’s large printing plant where so many good things are printed for distribution in all languages throughout the world. It reminds us of the Israelites on their trek to Jerusalem as they came several times every year to celebrate the days that God commanded them to keep. It will be a happy and blessed occasion when many of the Lord’s people gather in this grand international assembly of Jehovah’s witnesses July 19-26, 1953. Plan now to attend.