Why Be at Yankee Stadium?
ARE you debating whether you should attend the international assembly of Jehovah’s witnesses at Yankee Stadium, July 19-26, 1953? This should not be an issue, but a foregone conclusion. Why? Because it is a divine command for Christians to assemble. We do not debate whether we should eat or not, whether there is need for us to be properly dressed and sheltered. These material necessities are recognized without much thought, and we are moved by thoughts of preservation to provide for such. But these necessities merely provide for a temporal existence. What about our spiritual needs? Jesus said: “Work, not for the food that perishes, but for the food that remains for life everlasting.” (John 6:27, NW) He also stated: “Man must live, not on bread alone, but on every utterance coming forth through Jehovah’s mouth.” “So never be anxious and say: ‘What are we to eat?’ or, ‘What are we to drink?’ or, ‘What are we to put on?’ For all these are the things the nations are eagerly pursuing. . . . Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you.”—Matt. 4:4; 6:31-33, NW.
With our treasure in the Kingdom storehouse our heart will be there too, and we will make arrangements to attend assemblies so that we can become rich spiritually, becoming sound instruments for the service of Jehovah. As we conscientiously provide for our physical nourishment and comfort, permit the same sense of moral responsibility to direct you to pray, plan and provide for your spiritual needs, as well as those of your family. It is important that we attend assemblies. It is God’s will that we do. (Heb. 10:25) Need there be any other reason?