Sharing in the Prosperity of God’s People
“EXCEPT Jehovah build the house, they labor in vain that build it.” (Ps. 127:1, AS) While giving lip service to that truth politicians have ignored Jehovah and, together with the religious leaders, have looked to the schemes of men for prosperity. No wonder they are chagrined and dismayed.—Jer. 14:19, AS.a
That Jehovah is indeed the source of prosperity is proved by the prosperity existing among his people today, as a result of which they are the happiest people in all the earth. Not that they were always so happy. In 1918, due to the fear of man and lack of understanding, they were in a poor condition, some in literal prisons, all in the spiritual prison of the Devil’s world system, and their voice of public preaching was quite muffled.
Then they prayed to God: “Oh visit me with thy salvation, that I may see the prosperity of thy chosen, that I may rejoice in the gladness of thy nation.” (Ps. 106:4, 5, AS) That prayer, offered with the right motive and in harmony with God’s will and his prophecies, Jehovah answered. Though angry with them, yet for his name’s sake he was not willing that they should be destroyed. So he opened their eyes and showed them that deliverance was promised in his Word and that there was yet much work to be done.
Today, Christendom has no evidence of divine favor; it is perplexed and in extreme fear; it has no timely message for the people, and prays and crusades vainly for peace. But Jehovah’s people are enjoying prosperity; God’s sacred secrets are being unraveled to them; they have no uncertainty as to their purpose on earth; they have evidence of Jehovah’s spirit and approval; they have courage; their number of ministers is constantly increasing and their table is filled with rich spiritual food.
Jehovah’s organization is assured prosperity, but our personal sharing in it depends upon our holding fast to it, living up to its principles and being worthy to be retained in it. We may not, like Israel, show lack of faith, forgetting Jehovah’s wonderful works; show lack of submissiveness by rebelling against Jehovah’s duly appointed representatives; we may not turn back to the filthy practices of the old world.—Ps. 106:6-46; 1 Cor. 10:1-12.
If we would share in the prosperity God has given to his people we must “believe his prophets”. (2 Chron. 20:20) That means to study God’s Word privately and in company with others. Nor may we neglect our responsibilities, for only if we are diligent to advance Jehovah’s Word and Kingdom interests shall we prosper, for he has promised that these would prosper. (Isa. 9:7; 55:11) At the same time we must exercise care that we do not become overconscious of our prosperity, letting it go to our heads, for then there is danger of disobeying.
And while we are now enjoying prosperity, our prayer is not fully answered, for it says: “Save us, O Jehovah our God, and gather us from among the nations.” (Ps. 106:47, AS) Yes, not just ME but others also, US. There are other sheep yet to be gathered.
So let others see and hear us as Jehovah’s witnesses; let them see our spiritual prosperity; let them feel an overwhelming desire to share it. There is plenty of prosperity for all—we can afford to be generous! Doing so our own happiness will increase as we see God’s visible organization prosper more and more.
a For details see The Watchtower, December 1, 1952.