Moses versus the Scientists
● Among the statements appearing in the Genesis account of creation that have been given general acceptance by modern science are: that the universe had a beginning; that life on earth began in the sea; that man was the last to appear on the earth and that the human race sprang from one common ancestor. These statements of scientific fact were written into the Pentateuch by Moses some 3,500 years ago. All of this is nothing short of a miracle when we consider how transient scientific theories are. Thus The Scientific Monthly, in reviewing the book Scientific American Reader, which consists of a compilation of articles appearing in the magazine of similar name over the past five years, states: “It is too much to expect that articles written in some cases as much as five years ago could now be accepted as the latest thinking in the areas of science with which they are concerned.” It is too much to expect scientific thinking to prove scientific for five years, and yet how many people will accept current scientific thinking in preference to the Bible although such “scientific thinking” may have a life span of less than five years? No wonder God’s Word assures us: “All flesh is grass, and all its beauty is like the flower of the field. The grass withers, the flower fades; but the word of our God will stand for ever.”—Isa. 40:6, RS.