Check Your Memory
After reading this issue of “The Watchtower,” do you remember—
✔ Why everlasting life must eventually be possible on earth? P. 67, ¶1.
✔ What the word “hell” really means? P. 68, ¶4.
✔ Why it is certain that God would not torment men in a fiery hell? P. 70, ¶2.
✔ Where Gehenna was and how its worms did not die and its fire was not quenched? P. 71, ¶3.
✔ Where the caste system apparently originated? P. 72, ¶5.
✔ Why the caste system harms even those advantaged by it? P. 73, ¶2.
✔ When and where the Watch Tower first built its own headquarters building? P. 77, ¶1.
✔ What the first convention of Jehovah’s witnesses in Chicago in 1893 was like? P. 79, ¶3.
✔ What other qualities balance Jehovah’s fighting strength and anger? P. 81, ¶4.
✔ How some prophecies have been fulfilled in three different ways? P. 82, ¶9.
✔ Who the signal long ago spoken of in Isaiah 11 is? P. 84, ¶16.
✔ Why such a tremendous Christian work is imperative now? P. 87, ¶8.
✔ Why the commonly held view of Jesus’ physical appearance is false? P. 91, ¶18.
✔ Whether all the problems of Bible chronology have now been solved? P. 93, ¶3.
✔ Why the time of the end of the first 6,000 years of Jehovah’s 7,000-year rest day cannot be definitely fixed? P. 95, ¶3.