St. Charalampus Punished for Neglect!
Many are the superstitious peasants who take their “saints” very seriously. However, seldom do they take them so seriously as did a certain Cretan, according to the following press dispatch: “HERAKLEION (Candia), Crete 24 (Our Correspondent’s Dispatch) Geo. Emm. Tsaggarakis, a resident of Jerapetra (Crete) went to the nearby village Murnies and, having entered Saint Charalampus church there, gathered together behind the outer gate the various church books, the leaves of three inner doors and many other effects, and then set a fire to them, causing serious damage to the church. Being arrested and examined, he admitting starting the fire and stated that he did so because . . . although he had prayed to Saint Charalampus for two years to heal him, he had noticed no improvement in his health. His illness is said to be of a nervous nature.”—Eleftheria, Athens, Greece, May 25, 1954.