Check Your Memory
After reading this issue of “The Watchtower,” do you remember—
✔ What advice Roman Catholics have been given regarding Jehovah’s witnesses? P. 516, ¶3.
✔ Whether Adam expected to go to heaven? P. 518, ¶1.
✔ Why earth’s missionaries have failed to preach the good news of God’s kingdom? P. 520, ¶1.
✔ What a Gilead graduate says about full-time missionary service? P. 522, ¶2.
✔ Who God’s wife or “woman” is? P. 526, ¶4.
✔ Why marriage is holy? P. 530, ¶16.
✔ How the woman was to be a “helper” and “complement” for man? P. 532, ¶21.
✔ Why Eve’s sin was a direct case of marriage insubordination? P. 534, ¶4.
✔ How many of Jehovah’s witnesses are actively preaching in Korea? P. 539, ¶1.