Check Your Memory
After reading this issue of “The Watchtower,” do you remember—
✔ Where Bible literature has been banned by a government that speaks of freedom? P. 707, ¶3.
✔ Why God made man? P. 709, ¶1.
✔ What has so weakened modern-day religion? P. 711, ¶4.
✔ What excellent family example, set over fifty years ago, is followed today? P. 712, ¶2.
✔ How many languages literature is published in at the Watch Tower’s South African branch? P. 717, ¶1.
✔ What Solomon’s temple pictured? P. 720, ¶2.
✔ What facts heighten appreciation of the Creator’s astounding ability? P. 721, ¶3.
✔ Why God created the earth? P. 723, ¶7.
✔ What Abraham and his family pictured? P. 725, ¶15.
✔ Why Jehovah’s witnesses are so concerned about using the Bible at the doors? P. 730, ¶9.
✔ What tremendous increase has occurred in “The Watchtower’s” circulation since 1938? P. 733, ¶17.
✔ What questions will show whether we are really productive Christians? P. 734, ¶23.