Truth Makes Doomed Man Happy
THE Watchtower, August 15, 1956, had a letter telling of preaching being done in “Death Row” of the United States Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. There Bible studies were being conducted right in prison with three condemned men, one of whom had been baptized in prison. Six months later the Society received a letter from this baptized one, from which the following is quoted:
“By the time you get this letter I will have been executed. . . . I symbolized my dedication by water baptism to Jehovah in December, 1954, and, though confined, have lived happier than ever before as I pressed forward, making progress on the road to maturity. I could not have made it without Jehovah’s continued guidance and blessings. The Watchtower has been my greatest help and has provided me with the spiritual food necessary for all of Jehovah’s people. I pray Jehovah to continue blessing you, brothers, and guiding you by his holy spirit, that you may from day to day keep telling the good news of salvation by Him. Jehovah, through you, has instilled within me an unshakable faith, and my hope is that Jehovah will approve me worthy of my calling and give me life with you in the New World.” Shortly afterward there came a letter from the minister who had taught this condemned brother. Among other things he had the following to say:
“This letter will serve to bring you up to date in regard to Brother Edwards. His death sentence was carried out by military personnel on Thursday, February 14, 1957, right after midnight. [Prior to becoming a witness this man was sentenced to death in April, 1953, for having killed a German girl while with the United States army abroad.]
“My visits with Brother Edwards were limited. From October, 1954, to December 15, 1956, I had been allowed one hour a month to study with this brother. For the last two months I was granted an hour a week, so the majority of his knowledge came from his own personal study.
“In the last few weeks of his life Brother Edwards’ chief concern was, ‘How can I win Jehovah’s approval?’ So more than once as I walked in for our visits I found him behind his iron-bar gate, Bible in hand, witnessing to the guard outside. He told me he had many opportunities to witness to other prisoners and the guards, as during the last two months he and two others were watched continuously. In the last ten days of his prison life he was moved to a confinement cell, where he could talk to no one but the guards. During this time I conducted our discussions with the iron gate between us and the guard sitting at my side during the studies. (Until this time I had been allowed to go into the cell with the brother.) On my very last visit I was allowed to go inside his cell after I had removed my coat and allowed myself to be ‘shook down for security reasons.’
“All of the last two months the visits consisted of Bible questions and answers and a study of The Watchtower. On Monday evening, February 11, I took him the latest copies of The Watchtower and Awake! and also the 1953 Report of the New World Society Assembly of Jehovah’s Witnesses. His remark was: ‘Brother Smith, I won’t have much time to study these, but I will read them.’ As far as he knew he had never met any of Jehovah’s witnesses other than me. He read the convention report. When I went in for our final visit Wednesday evening, he handed it to me and said: ‘This is the best I have ever read, in fact, I cried while I read it. . . . There just isn’t another organization like the New World society.’
“My last visit was for one hour and ended at 10:30 p.m., Wednesday night. Thanks to Jehovah’s spirit there was no depressed feeling as we talked about the hope of a resurrection to life. Words cannot express the joy that shone on the face of a man with only an hour and a half to live as he bade me good night. ‘If the brothers ask how I am, tell them just fine.’”
Brother Edwards wrote the following to the local congregation:
“I am sure Brother Smith has informed you of my crisis and, at one time or another, of my progress in Jehovah’s service, so we are not strangers. I just want you to know how our loving God Jehovah has shown me undeserved kindness and mercy by calling me to his service and revealing his word of truth to me. However, I could not have made progress without the help of his witness, Brother Smith, who tenderly and patiently guided me on the road of pursuing my purpose in life toward maturity.
“I know I speak as if I knew each of you in the congregation personally. But that is the way I feel, because Brother Smith has told me from time to time of some of the activities carried on there, which has drawn me to you in the love existing in Jehovah’s New World society world-wide. It is this love for Jehovah and for you that moved me to write you. Is it not wonderful how the spirit of our loving Creator works?
“Brothers, our happy God Jehovah wants us to be happy. Do not be sad because of the manner in which I am departing. My heart is fixed, trusting in Jehovah, and my hope is that we meet face to face in the New World to be always together praising Jehovah. So keep up the good work, preaching from day to day. Never give up. Preach, preach, preach! for you too know the importance of preaching. (Matt. 24:14) May Jehovah’s spirit remain with you and strengthen you for his continued service right on through the battle of Armageddon into his new world of righteousness.
“Your fellow worker in Jehovah’s service,”
Note, no sentimental illusions about going to heaven at once; likewise no trusting in a deathbed repentance, but proof of a steady growth to spiritual maturity during more than two years.
Although his mother was not favorable to the witnesses of Jehovah, she honored her son’s request for a witness funeral. The Community Center was used and there were about 350 persons present. A good witness to Jehovah was given by the speaker, which elicited the following comment from the funeral director: “This is the first Jehovah’s witness funeral I have seen. That was the most intellectual funeral sermon that I’ve ever heard. It has broadened my mind about Jehovah’s witnesses.”
Brother Smith still visits this prison each Thursday evening and has a study with two others who likewise have taken their stand for Jehovah while in prison.