Do You Remember?
Have you read your recent issues of The Watchtower carefully? If so, you should recognize these important points. Check yourself.
● In what three ways are Christians engaging in building work today?
Individually, growing in the fruitage of the spirit; numerically, in numbers of Witnesses; and by constructing Kingdom Halls, plants to print Bible literature, and so forth.—Pp. 9, 10, 23.a
● What is the principal fruitage of the spirit, and why?
Love. This is so because all other fruits of the spirit are merely different aspects of love or result from its application.—P. 12.
● Were holy ones resurrected at the time of Jesus’ death?
No, only the dead bodies of holy ones were cast up by reason of an earthquake.—P. 30.
● When did the baptism of infants begin?
After the death of the apostles. Some evidence of it is found toward the end of the second century, but not as a regular practice.—P. 37.
● What is the primary objective of all of Jehovah’s witnesses?
To share in Jehovah’s vindication by proclaiming his name and purposes.—P. 47.
● What is the meaning of “zeal,” and how does it apply to our ministry?
It means boiling; so a zealous minister is hot or ardent with enthusiasm for the service of Jehovah.—P. 54.
● Who was the angel guiding the Israelites in the wilderness?
The Logos or the Word, Jesus Christ in his prehuman existence.—P. 57.
● Do the angels look after God’s servants on earth?
Yes, they “minister for those who are going to inherit salvation.” Jesus said: “Their angels in heaven always have access to my Father.” Not necessarily that each faithful human has an angel assigned to him but that one angel is assigned to a number of God’s servants on earth.—P. 59.
● May a person who takes a blood transfusion be disfellowshiped for it?
Yes, if it is a deliberate act and there is no repenting over the wrong act and asking of forgiveness of God’s congregation. If it is a first offense and the transgressor sees his error, repents of it and begs forgiveness, he may be put on probation and given careful instruction from the Scriptures on the matter.—P. 64.
● What makes the Tenth Commandment unique?
It cannot be enforced by men, it forbidding coveting. God gave it because it gets at the root of wrongdoing and makes each one his own moral policeman, as it were.—P. 76.
● What processes are involved in our use of thinking ability?
Taking in knowledge of facts and principles; analyzing, comparing and associating the various facets of this knowledge with one another; drawing conclusions from such study; storing them in the memory for future use; drawing on this knowledge for practical application in work.—P. 93.
● Is euthanasia Christian?
Euthanasia is “mercy killing” and it is not Christian because it violates God’s law regarding the sanctity of life. But this does not mean that when death is imminent a physician must take extraordinary and costly measures to keep a patient alive.—P. 118.
● May a Christian engage in labor union activity?
He may be a member, but he would not accept an official position or engage in picketing or otherwise agitating for the cause of a strike.—P. 128.
● How do persons of all nations ‘go up to Jehovah’s house’?
Not by ascending to heaven, but by their coming into active association with the congregation of Jehovah’s anointed witnesses, which is described in the Bible as “God’s household” and “the temple of God” and which is in unity with heavenly Zion.—Pp. 144, 145.
● When do we especially need to guard against pride?
When rebuked and when entrusted with greater responsibilities of service.—Pp. 158, 159.
● Did Satan appear visibly to Jesus in the wilderness?
It is not likely, Since Satan had been restrained in chains of darkness along with the other demons since the Flood.—P. 160.
● Should Christian parents permit a child in the early teens to make a private engagement for an evening of entertainment with one of the opposite sex without a chaperon?
No, this would not be wise. Even when the child is old enough to be permitted to engage in courtship with a view to marriage it is wise for the parents to meet the one with whom their child is keeping company. However, before the desire for such association grows strong the parents should inculcate in their children an accurate knowledge of Jehovah’s requirements on relations between the sexes, and they should give them straightforward counsel on avoiding circumstances that might cause them to overstep these righteous requirements.—Pp. 181-183.
● What is the meaning of maturity, and what four aspects of this subject are of particular interest to Christians?
Maturity is the condition of being full-grown, completely developed or perfect. Of particular interest to Christians are physical, mental, emotional and spiritual maturity.—P. 188.
● What was the difference between “strangers” and “foreigners” in ancient Israel?
A stranger was a non-Israelite resident in the Promised Land; a foreigner belonged to another country and visited Palestine only as a traveler.—P. 198.
● What superlative example of patience should move us to exercise that quality?
That of Jehovah toward mankind.—P. 203.
● What is it that particularly makes man’s problem of survival of greatest concern in our day?
Not merely the weapons developed by man. Rather, the fact that we are now well over forty years into the time of the end foretold in the Bible and all evidence indicates that the day for Jehovah to execute judgment upon this wicked world is near, within this generation.—P. 239.
I shall be disposed always to remind you of these things, although you know them and are firmly set in the truth which is present in you.—2 Pet. 1:12.
a All page references are to The Watchtower for 1961.