Do You Remember?
Have you read the recent issues of The Watchtower carefully? If so, you should recognize these important points. Check yourself.
● When a Christian husband and wife feel they are incompatible and want to separate, what is wrong?
One or both of them are not applying Bible principles.—P. 570.a
● Do angels have a part in the preaching of the good news of God’s kingdom?
Yes, the preaching is done under angelic direction.—Pp. 586, 588.
● What is the difference between a rebuke and a reproof?
A rebuke may not be deserved and can be given to inanimate things and the incorrigible. A reproof is always deserved and given only to moral creatures able to benefit by it if they choose. Pp. 659-661.
● What is “Babylon the Great” of Revelation 17:5?
The world empire of false religion based upon the religion of ancient Babylon.—P. 698.
● Who is God’s “woman,” first mentioned at Genesis 3:15?
His wifely organization of heavenly creatures.—P. 716.
● Who is the woman enemy of God’s woman (Mic. 7:8)?
The world empire of false, Babylonish religion.—P. 718.
● Why was Pergamum described as the site of the “throne of Satan” (Rev. 2:12, 13)?
Because of its taking the lead in emperor worship.—P. 731.
● What is “the spirit of the world”?
The frame of mind, the inclination of mind, the persistent tendency that controls the world of mankind ruled by Satan the Devil.—P. 745.
● What are the seven plagues mentioned in Revelation chapters 15 and 16?
Judgment messages from God’s Word expressing his righteous anger and making clear how world conditions appear to him.—Pp. 751, 752.
a All page references are to The Watchtower for 1963.