Do You Remember?
Have you read the recent issues of The Watchtower carefully? If so, you should recognize these important points. Check yourself.
● Why cannot the Bible be said to be a “white man’s book”?
Only Asiatics were used as its writers; “God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him.”—P. 263.a
● What harm can come to a Christian from following a man?
It obscures his vision of the pattern set by Christ; causes him to rely upon man instead of upon Jehovah; causes him to fall if the one he is following falls.—Pp. 270, 271.
● How can one be sure that he is following the right religion?
By testing it by the Word of God, the Bible.—P. 296.
● What is the basic difference between dictatorship and theocratic rule?
The dictator rules by compulsion; Jehovah appeals to the free and good will of honest persons, wins them by showing love.—P. 302.
● Why may not Christians be opportunists?
Because an opportunist is one who takes advantage of situations with little regard for principles or ultimate consequences.—P. 323.
● Why do men die?
Because of Adam’s disobedience “sin entered into the world and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men.”—P. 327.
● What does consistency require of a Christian?
That he practice what he preaches.—P. 356.
● What course should Christian youths take regarding elective offices and popularity contests in school?
Avoid them as part of the world and as tending toward creature worship.—Pp. 380, 381.
● How can imperfect humans be said to reflect Jehovah’s glory?
By proclaiming “the magnificent things of God,” his glorious purposes.—P. 406.
● Is the pronunciation of God’s name the vital matter?
No, but what is vital is that he does have a unique and personal name, the commonest form of which is Jehovah, so that he need not be left nameless.—P. 424.
● What mistake did Aaron and Miriam make in regard to Moses?
They forgot Moses’ God-given position and saw only the individual.—Pp. 466, 467.
● By what did Jesus say that all men would be able to recognize his disciples?
By their love for one another, with such love as he had for them.—Pp. 489, 490.
a All references are to The Watchtower for 1964.