Inviting Hungry Ones to God’s Banquet for All Peoples
A BANQUET awaits the people of earth. Who says so? None other than the Almighty God, Jehovah. He “will certainly make for all the peoples, in this mountain, a banquet of well-oiled dishes, a banquet of wine kept on the dregs, of well-oiled dishes filled with marrow, of wine kept on the dregs, filtered.”—Isa. 25:6.a
When will that banquet actually take place? This banquet has its beginning in our very day. (Isa. 25:7, 8; 1 Cor. 15:51-57; 1 Thess. 4:14-17) And where will this banquet be prepared? From the context we learn that it will be in heavenly Mount Zion, the “Jerusalem above.” (Gal. 4:26; Heb. 12:22) This banquet will be enjoyed right here on this earth, because this earth is the realm over which God’s kingdom rules. By means of that Kingdom, paradise will be restored world wide.—Luke 23:43.
This banquet assures that mankind will never have to go hungry again! They will have an abundance, even as foretold. (Ps. 65:1, 9-13; 72:6-8, 16; Rev. 21:4) But this banquet will not be limited to material food. In fact, its spiritual food comes first both in time and in importance. We need God’s Word, his instructions and commandments telling us what to do. Living in harmony with his Word and the doing of his will serve as rich life-sustaining food and drink, even as with Jesus. (John 4:34) By growing in the accurate knowledge of God and living in harmony with this spiritual food, earth’s inhabitants will gain everlasting life, for ‘death will be swallowed up forever.’—Isa. 25:8.
Today there are more than a million persons who have already begun to feast on this banquet. Should these keep their present benefits to themselves? How could they if they have love of neighbor, for today there are many who are spiritually hungry? Jesus also said, “Happy are those hungering and thirsting for righteousness, since they will be filled.” But how? By Christians’ inviting them to partake of God’s banquet for all peoples. Are you having a share in doing this?—Matt. 5:6.
There are many ways in which you can invite hungry ones to God’s banquet. You can do so by going from house to house, calling on people, telling them about this banquet. As you do, make certain to reach the occupants of each home, calling back repeatedly if necessary to find them home. Invite people by offering The Watchtower and Awake! on the streets. Thereby you will reach many you could not otherwise reach, such as those living in hotels, those working nights, and so forth.
God’s Word tells us that in connection with this feast he will remove the ‘envelopment that is over all people’ and that results in people’s being confused, perplexed, unhappy and hopeless. While God’s kingdom will remove this envelopment, the woven web work of condemnation restraining men, it is the privilege of God’s servants to direct the attention of persons to this divine provision for relief. However, it takes time, patience and tact, all prompted by love and guided by insight or empathy. Nevertheless, the results are worth the effort, seeing others enjoy this banquet! Try it and find out for yourself.—Isa. 25:7.
a For details please see The Watchtower, April 15, 1965.