Do You Remember?
Have you read the recent issues of The Watchtower carefully? If so, you should recognize these important points.
● What twofold fruitage should a baptized Christian seek to produce?
The fruitage of God’s spirit outlined in Galatians 5:22, 23, and the fruitage of Kingdom preaching, which results in new disciples.—P. 51.a
● How are we to understand the words at 1 Timothy 2:15, that women would “be kept safe through childbearing”?
Bearing children would be a safeguard in keeping women occupied with worthwhile activities about their homes. Coupled with their ministry, such would help them avoid the troubles that trap untheocratic women.—Pp. 63, 64.
● In the matter of dress, how can Christians avoid stumbling others?
By dressing in a way that is acceptable from the standpoint of one’s ministry rather than following the latest worldly fashion.—Pp. 115, 116.
● Since adults who are studying the Bible will often hold back from asking questions that are in their minds, what can be done to help them understand matters they are being taught?
It is important to get them to express themselves and to draw them out by asking additional questions besides those in the textbook being used.—Pp. 144, 145.
● Why should one follow the Christian standard set out in the Bible in making decisions?
Because otherwise one will be influenced by the fleshly tendencies of selfishness, fear, pride and jealousy.—P. 168.
● What today is the “word behind” us, as mentioned in Isaiah 30:21?
It is what Jehovah God speaks to us through his written Word and through his organization.—P. 202.
● How does Thucydides, the only “classical” historian who is noted for his accuracy of statement, stand in regard to Bible chronology?
He offers testimony that supports rather than challenges Bible chronology.—Pp. 221, 222.
a All references are to The Watchtower of 1969.