They Reject the Holy Bible!
CHRISTENDOM claims that its teachings and practices are based on the Holy Bible. Yet the facts show that her clergy and the majority of her members do not believe it. This is illustrated by the following two experiences:
“My wife and I regularly attended the Grace Lutheran Church in Plainville, Connecticut. Since my youth I had a deep reverence for the Holy Bible. It was always displayed on a table in our home. When I was old enough I read portions of it.
“Having read in the Bible that God wants a cheerful giver, I became irritated at the frequent money-raising talks by our then minister. In 1965 our pastor was called to another church in New Jersey because he was having difficulties with the Connecticut congregation. In his farewell address, he credited himself for the increase in church membership during his ten years. I remembered Acts 2:47 (about the Lord being the one who added new ones to the congregation) and I felt disgusted to hear him take credit for what I thought then was God’s doing.
“Around this time Jehovah’s witnesses called on us and offered to conduct a Bible study with us free of charge. We gladly accepted, and right from the beginning my wife and I realized how very little we knew about the Bible. Soon I began telling other church members what I was learning. A pastor from Kensington was alerted to my new activities and he was sent to ‘help’ me. He arrived at my home while we were studying the Bible with the Witnesses. He did not have a Bible with him and he declined to discuss it. However, after two hours, the truth about him was apparent. He did not believe in portions of God’s Word the Bible.
“Another minister was now sent to see me. He too rejected portions of the Bible. The church’s next move was to invite me to speak before the church board. I was astonished to find how ignorant they were of the Scriptures. These were men I had admired as ministers of God. One board member, in defending the church teaching that the human soul is immortal, said that doctors had found a rapid drop in body weight soon after the death of a person. He argued that this was due to the departure of the soul from the body. [This is false. The drop in body weight is due to dehydration which occurs within a few days.] That did it! I was now fully convinced that these leaders of religion were false to the Bible.
“My final good-bye to the church came two weeks later when the new pastor visited me. He was unable to answer with Bible authority the barrage of questions I asked him. He left, saying that all of us, including himself, were trying to find truths and that it I felt that I had found the truth, it was wonderful. My wife and I think it is really Jehovah’s undeserved kindness that has led us to the way of life, and for this we are extremely thankful.”
The second experience is from a woman in Canada who writes: “I was a Sunday school teacher in an old United Church close to the Pattula Bridge in Surrey, British Columbia. I was allowed to teach the children whatever I thought best for them out of the Bible, things that suited me, as I did not agree with some of their doctrines. I felt I was being of some help there, for some of the children were from poor and broken homes.
“After two years of teaching there Jehovah’s witnesses began calling at our home. We were impressed by their sincerity and accuracy with regard to the Bible. We began attending a few of their meetings at the Kingdom Hall, but I was still teaching Sunday school at the church as I still thought I was needed there.
“I did not realize the necessity of getting out of false religion until one day at Sunday school I was reading about Adam and Eve to the children. The elderly woman in charge of the Sunday school came in and the children wanted to know about cavemen. She explained that one of Adam’s sons must have married a cave woman who had been evolving outside the garden of Eden. She also said that the first part of the Bible was probably a myth.
“When I came home I discussed this with my husband. I then remembered the Witnesses’ showing us that “all Scripture is inspired of God,” and that we should study the Bible to have an accurate knowledge of the truth. (2 Tim. 3:16) I stopped teaching Sunday school shortly thereafter and began studying the Bible and attending the meetings with the Witnesses more regularly.
“Now my husband and I are dedicated ministers of Jehovah God, and we rejoice to uphold and proclaim the Bible as His Word of truth.”