Why Call at My Door?
“I HAVE great respect for you people. I admire your sincerity and conviction. You are doing a fine work in trying to bring people to God. But why call at my door? I already have a religion.”
The above is typical of the viewpoint of many householders whom Jehovah’s witnesses meet in their Bible educational work. You, too, may wonder why the Witnesses continue to call at your door and at the homes of others in your community who have their own religion.
Are Jehovah’s witnesses trying to make money by the sale of printed literature? No, for the small contributions asked for their publications do not cover completely even the cost of printing and distribution of this literature. It is not contributions of money but the message contained in these publications that motivates these unpaid volunteers to persist in calling at the homes of people. Why should you be interested in this message?
Because it has to do with the elimination from earth of wars, racial strife, crime and violence; the end of food shortages, housing shortages, high costs, high taxes; even the end of all types of sickness and death. Do not these things plague people of every religion? Would you not delight to see their end?
The Bible shows how and when God will take action to solve these problems. The Scriptures make it plain that we are now in “the conclusion of the [present] system of things” or “the end of the age.” (Matt. 24:3, NW; The New English Bible) Surely you want to know about this. It should make no difference what religion you belong to.
But, how can one be sure that the generation now living will experience such a change? Jesus’ disciples asked a like question: “What will be the sign of . . . the conclusion of the system of things?” (Matt. 24:3; Mark 13:4; Luke 21:7) Jesus included the following in his answer:
“Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there will be great earthquakes, and in one place after another pestilences and food shortages.” (Luke 21:10, 11) But, have not wars, food shortages, earthquakes and disease epidemics occurred for most of human history? Yes, but only since 1914 C.E. have these things afflicted mankind in every part of the earth during one generation. Therefore, as Jesus stated, people now living will see the present system of things with all its woes brought to an end.—Compare Luke 21:29-32.
Does that mean ‘the end of the world,’ as some people envision it? Will there be a destruction of the earth and all life on it? By no means! In fact, the earth will never be destroyed. It has been “established for ever.” (Ps. 78:69, Authorized Version) What will end, then? The present “age” of wickedness. Then there will be an earthwide fulfillment of God’s promise at Psalm 37:10: “The wicked one will be no more; and you will certainly give attention to his place, and he will not be.” An entirely new order of things will replace this one.
What will that new order be like? The inspired apostle John describes some of the blessings of that new order at Revelation 21:3, 4: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind. . . . And God himself will be with them. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore.” The prophet Isaiah also speaks of matters that give reason for us to be convinced that then “no resident will say: ‘I am sick.’” Also, the blind, deaf, speechless and lame will be cured of their infirmities. (Isa. 33:24; 35:5, 6) There will be genuine enjoyment of life under righteous conditions. Would you not like to live under conditions like these?—2 Pet. 3:13.
Has your minister, priest or religious leader mentioned this wonderful hope to you? Most clergymen say nothing about it. In fact, many do not even believe the Bible. This is an important reason why Jehovah’s witnesses call at the homes of people of other religions.
The efforts of Jehovah’s witnesses to approach people in public and at their homes are rooted in the Word of God. Jesus himself went directly to the people, and he instructed his apostles and disciples to do likewise. (Matt. 10:11-13; Luke 8:1; 10:5) Actually, the work of Jehovah’s witnesses constitutes a further part of the sign that Jesus gave of the nearness of the end of this system of things. He said: “And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.”—Matt. 24:14.
Is this work of preaching the ‘good news of God’s kingdom’ effective? Indeed it is! Literally hundreds of thousands of truth-hungry persons have had their faith in God and in the Bible bolstered by the house calls of Jehovah’s witnesses. Consider the experience of a woman from New Caledonia:
“While in a distressed suicidal state, I appealed by letter to the one person I felt could help me—my priest. But he did not respond. However, a week later one of Jehovah’s witnesses called. I accepted a Bible study aid, and as soon as the woman left I eagerly devoured its contents. Within a matter of days I began to feel mental relief and a growing sense of liberation.” Thereafter, this woman and her husband became happy servants of God, bringing good news to still others.
Jehovah’s witnesses realize that many people have their own religion. But the world’s religions say nothing about the good news of God’s kingdom. So Jehovah’s witnesses continue to call at your door. The next time they do so, why not invite them in and listen to their Bible-based message?