Do You Remember?
Have you read the recent issues of The Watchtower carefully? If so, you will doubtless recall these points:
● Why is it good that Jehovah God has not revealed the “day and hour” for executing his judgment?
This has served to test people’s motivations. Those who do not really want to obey God’s commands will pursue their own selfish desires, thinking that his time for judgment will not catch up with them. Also, there is no possibility for false religious organizations to put on a hypocritical display of piety just before that day, making it more difficult for sincere persons to identify God’s true servants.—P. 280.
● How is food “sanctified through God’s word and prayer over it”?—1 Tim. 4:5.
God’s word has “sanctified” or ‘set apart’ all things usable for food as acceptable. The person who prays over his food accepts it appreciatively as something ‘set apart’ for him by his heavenly Father.—P. 301.
● What might a person ask himself to determine whether he has Christian endurance?
He might ask himself: Am I faithful now? Do I regularly study the Bible and press beyond primary doctrine? Am I willing to undergo difficulties in behalf of others and the interests of true worship? Do I rely on God to strengthen me when facing trials?—P. 332.
● At Hebrews 12:25-29, what are the “things that have been made” that are shaken, and what does not experience any shaking?
The ‘things made’ are those made by hands other than God’s—the system of things with its false religion, greedy commercialism and corrupt politics. The things making up the ungodly system will be shaken into destruction, whereas God’s kingdom will remain standing.—P. 363.
● If the wife of one being considered for the position of an elder is rebellious toward his headship, what should the body of elders keep in mind when determining whether the man qualifies to serve in that capacity?
The body of elders should analyze to what extent he shares responsibility for her rebelliousness and also consider the congregation’s view of the situation.—P. 469.
● What point was Jesus making when he said to a rich young ruler who addressed him as “Good Teacher,” “Nobody is good, except one, God”?—Mark 10:17, 18.
In thus refusing to accept “Good” as part of a title, Jesus Christ glorified his Father as the real standard of goodness, the standard to which he himself conformed as the Son of God.—P. 476.