Do You Remember?
Have you given careful attention to points developed in recent issues of “The Watchtower”? If so, you no doubt remember the following:
● Why does the fact that the “great crowd” are shown serving God in the “na·osʹ,” or “sanctuary,” not mean that theirs is a heavenly destiny?
The Greek word “na·osʹ” may refer not only to the inner “sanctuary” of the temple, but also in a broader sense to the entire temple area or arrangement. (Isa. 66:6, Greek “Septuagint”; Matt. 27:5, 39, 40; Mark 15:29, 30; John 2:19-21) It is here in the earthly courtyard of God’s spiritual temple that the unnumbered “great crowd” are observed to be performing their “sacred service.” The “great crowd” as a group survive the “great tribulation,” and the promise fulfilled toward them even now with regard to their spiritual relation with Jehovah is: “God will wipe out every tear from their eyes.”—Rev. 7:9-17.—8/15, pp. 14-20.
● Does “sacred service” include everyday activities of life, such as caring for our families, maintaining good morals and the like?
No. “Sacred service” applies to that which directly involves our worship of God. It includes formal and informal witnessing, sharing in worship at Kingdom Halls, caring for our meeting places, all activity related to providing Bibles and Bible literature, as well as sacrifices that we may make in encouraging and aiding our brothers, spiritually and materially, to keep active in Jehovah’s work.—8/15, pp. 30, 31.
● Why are true Christians wise to avoid every form of gambling?
Gambling for material gain, even for small amounts of money, can lead to cultivating greed, covetousness and other undesirable fleshly qualities. It induces laziness and other bad fruitage, that may work against one’s gaining Kingdom blessings. (1 Cor. 6:9, 10; Gal. 5:19-23) Christians should support themselves by hard work, viewing their material possessions as something devoted to God, and not to be squandered before “the god of Good Luck.” (Isa. 65:11, 12)—9/1, p. 29.
● How may single parents cope in today’s world?
They may do so by trusting in God and his promises, maintaining a close personal relationship with Jehovah, and keeping busy in worthwhile work. Others in the Christian congregation can help make their hearts glad by loving and practical assistance.—9/15, pp. 20-26.
● What clear proofs do we have that we have been living in the “last days” since 1914?
Jesus’ “sign” given at Matthew 24 and 25 has had convincing fulfillment. The global preaching work of Jehovah’s Witnesses has accomplished God’s purpose in warning the nations and gathering a “great crowd” for survival into God’s “new order.” As this organized proclaiming of the Kingdom reaches its climax, “then,” says Jesus, “the end will come.”—10/1, p. 29.
● What prophetic meaning is there to the dropping of the waters of the Euphrates River just prior to the overthrow of Babylon?
Today, “Babylon the Great,” the world empire of false religion, “sits on many waters,” meaning the “peoples” who support her. But in modern times there has been a great falling away, in the numbers both of the flock and of the religious clergy and workers, particularly in Christendom. This diminishing support of ‘Babylon the Great” indicates that Jehovah is about to send forth the Greater Cyrus, Christ Jesus, to execute judgment on the “great harlot.” (Rev. 17:1, 4, 15-17)—10/15, pp. 17-23.