“In Front of Kings”
“I will also speak about your reminders in front of kings,” sang the inspired psalmist. (Psalm 119:46) Since the “good news of the kingdom” concerns a heavenly government, today, too, “kings” or rulers should hear God’s reminders. (Matthew 24:14) Do they? Yes. The following report from an English ex-missionary shows how one world statesman heard:
“One day in the late 1940’s, I was preaching from house to house in Kent. I was speaking with a man in a farm cottage when a visitor arrived. It was Sir Winston Churchill. My conversation was interrupted, but Sir Winston took note of The Watchtower and commended me for my work.
“Several days later I was again out preaching when I rang the doorbell of a large house. A butler opened the door and, when I requested to speak to the man of the house, asked if I knew who that was. I had no idea. ‘This is Chartwell,’ he said, ‘the home of Sir Winston Churchill.’ At that moment, Sir Winston appeared. He remembered our previous meeting and invited me in. We spoke a little, he accepted three books and invited me to return.
“Two weeks later, on a warm afternoon, I returned and was invited in again. Sir Winston offered me some lemonade and, after a brief greeting, said: ‘I will give you half an hour to tell me what you think God’s Kingdom is, but then you must let me tell you what I believe it to be.’ That is what we did. He felt God’s Kingdom would be established through God-fearing statesmen, and that until men learned to live at peace it would never come. I was able to explain the Bible’s view of God’s Kingdom and the blessings it would bring. Sir Winston was very cordial and indicated he respected our work.
“Unfortunately, I was never again able to contact him. But it was a blessing for a young man of 17 to be used to witness to him even that one time.”