Disease—A Sign of the Last Days?
SCIENTISTS are making rapid progress in decoding human genes. Some believe that they are on the verge of deciphering the link between your susceptibility to diseases and your genetic makeup. It is claimed that in the near future it will be possible to cure certain diseases by altering your genes.
“Once you have the capability of putting genes in to cure diseases, there is also the possibility of getting genes in for cosmetic reasons,” claims Dr. W. French Anderson of the National Institutes of Health. He adds: “It will be possible to start playing games with our humanness.” A bold claim, to say the least. Does it suggest that science is winning the fight against sickness and disease?
Interestingly, over 1,900 years ago, Jesus Christ indicated that the prevalence of sickness and disease would be part of a “sign” identifying “the last days,” a time period he called “the conclusion of the system of things.” Jesus said: “There will be . . . in one place after another pestilences.” These are “raging, epidemic diseases,” according to Bible scholar Albert Barnes.—Matthew 24:3-7; 2 Timothy 3:1; Luke 21:10, 11.
‘But there has always been pestilence, or disease,’ you may say. That is true. Yet, there are two noteworthy things about Jesus’ prediction.
First, Jesus did not say that sickness or disease by itself would constitute the “sign.” Rather, he gave a composite sign, listing many things. Read for yourself his detailed prophecy as outlined in Matthew 24 and 25, Mark 13 and Luke 21. So the “sign” might be compared to a jigsaw puzzle. One piece does not make up the complete picture. Likewise, one happening does not constitute the “sign.” Instead, the “sign” would be seen only when all the things Jesus foretold would affect one generation.—Matthew 24:32-34.
Secondly, it would seem to be most inconsistent for Jesus’ words about pestilence, or disease, to be coming true today. Why? Because scientific advancement has never been greater. Medical facilities have never been finer. Medical knowledge has never been more widespread.
So, what do the facts show? Are Jesus’ words really coming true? It is important that we know, for the fulfillment of Jesus’ prophecy would indicate that we are living in the most critical period of human history.