Annual Meeting October 1, 1983
This year the annual meeting of the members of Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania will be held at the De Montfort Hall, Leicester, England, on Saturday, October 1, 1983, at 10:00 a.m. The De Montfort Hall is located approximately 100 miles (160 km) from the Britain branch, which is in London.
The Britain branch advises that it has not been able to secure a large facility for the annual meeting and that the available seating at the De Montfort Hall is comparatively limited. For this reason the branch has arranged that admission to the annual meeting be by invitation only, and priority will be given to members of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and their immediate families, as well as to a good cross section of representatives from all over Britain and Europe. The Britain branch advises that those members who are planning to attend may correspond directly with the branch office with respect to rooming accommodations in neighboring hotels and some accommodations in the homes of brothers in the area. Members may write to Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, The Ridgeway, London, NW7 1RN, England. Each member who is going to attend the annual meeting in person should write promptly to the branch, advising how many family members will accompany him. The branch asks that all this information be received not later than August 1, 1983, from the members who are going to attend the annual meeting in person; so please write the branch immediately, giving all information.
The regular letters of notice of the annual meeting, together with proxies, will be sent to the members earlier than usual this year so that we can receive them back from the members not later than August 1, 1983. As each member knows, he should complete and return his proxy promptly whether he personally is going to be at the meeting or not. The information given on each proxy should be definite on this point, as it will be relied upon to determine in advance those who will actually be present. The Secretary’s office does not need information regarding members of the family who will accompany the member.
All members will need to return their proxies promptly after receipt, and, additionally, those members who are going to attend the annual meeting in Britain will need to write to the Britain branch, giving the necessary information, so that this reaches the branch not later than the 1st of August, 1983.