Do You Remember?
Have you found the recent issues of The Watchtower to be of practical value to you? See if you can call to mind the following:
□ Should the breakup of a marriage necessarily result if one partner has proved unfaithful?
Transgressions against God’s law can never be minimized. Those proving unfaithful to their marriage mates stand guilty before God. However, a breakup should not be viewed as automatic. As Hosea forgave his wife Gomer, and Jehovah time and again forgave adulterous Israel, so innocent mates should consider prayerfully the possibility of preserving the marriage bond. (Hosea 3; Matthew 5:7) This would show respect for the Originator of marriage, Jehovah, and open the way for the couple, and any children, to enjoy once again happiness as a family.—12/15, pages 27-9.
□ Why are God’s predictions for the future always reliable?
First, as man’s Creator he knows humans and can accurately foretell where human thoughts and actions will lead. (Deuteronomy 31:21; Isaiah 46:9, 10) Second, God can shape events before they happen. In both these ways his purpose is always accomplished, stamping his prophetic word as true.—1/1, page 5.
□ Who were responsible for the development of Christendom’s Trinity doctrine, and what fruitage has such teaching produced?
Apostates from true Christianity were responsible for the Trinity’s development, and thus it must be classified as a doctrine emanating from demons. (1 Timothy 4:1) The Trinity has dishonored and grossly misrepresented God, and resulted in the Father’s being relegated to a position of near-total obscurity.—2/1, pages 7-8.
□ How important is meditation to the Christian?
God’s Word frequently stresses the need for deep meditation. (Joshua 1:8; 1 Timothy 4:15) Paying close attention to Jehovah’s sayings is a life-or-death matter. (Proverbs 4:20-22) Meditation helps these sayings to sink deep down into the heart and to motivate one to do right.—2/1, pages 27-8.
□ How can the book of Leviticus affect our worship?
Christians today are not living under the Law. Nevertheless, the book of Leviticus gives us an insight into Jehovah’s viewpoint on various matters and, hence, it can affect our worship. For example, it impresses on us the fact that Jehovah demands holiness of his servants. This shows that Christians must keep his name holy by constantly striving to avoid sin, giving their best to Jehovah and maintaining cleanness and holiness in their service to him.—2/1, page 30.
□ Did God’s purpose for the earth and man change when Adam and Eve sinned?
There is not a single passage in the Bible that shows that God’s purpose changed. The Bible clearly states that God, in creating the earth, made it a permanent fixture in the universe to be forever inhabited by humans. (Psalm 119:90; Isaiah 45:18; 46:10)—2/15, pages 3-4.
□ How can “man’s inhumanity to man” disappear forever?
The only remedy is by all races and nations becoming one great brotherhood. This will be made possible by all clothing themselves with love—the perfect bond of union. (Colossians 3:14) Such will be realized in the earthly Paradise under the governorship of God’s Kingdom.—3/1, page 7.
□ Why does Paul describe immorality as “idolatry” in Ephesians 5:5?
Immorality constitutes an impure desire of the flesh, the craving for illicit pleasure. This desire becomes an object of devotion, thus leaving no room for pure worship. In this way another god has entered into the person’s life—the god of greedy, immoral, selfish desire.—3/1, page 28.
□ Why can music be said to be a gift from Jehovah?
Jehovah created man with a sensitive, aesthetic nature that responds emotionally and intelligently to song and music. Not only does music delight man’s heart and mind but it also refreshes him, contributing to his physical and spiritual well-being. In these and other ways music can correctly be said to be a gift from Jehovah. (James 1:17)—3/15, pages 20-1.
□ What are some benefits of trustworthiness?
A trustworthy person is more likely to hold down a job because of his value to his employer—an honest day’s work saves the employer money. (Colossians 3:22, 23) A trustworthy parent stands a better chance of successfully rearing his children because the instruction given is backed up by the parent’s consistent example. (Matthew 5:37) Trustworthiness also results in a clean conscience before God, bringing with it peace of mind and self-respect.—4/1, page 27.