‘I’ve Listened to Them Dozens of Times’
TO WHAT? To dramatized Bible accounts on cassette tapes. An appreciative listener from Albuquerque, New Mexico, writes:
“I’ve listened to the tape ‘Beware of Losing Faith by Drawing Away From Jehovah’ in my car at least 25 times. It gives me so many things to ponder over. It’s helped me to see issues much more clearly in my life by hearing the Israelites’ discussions—they are such real people, and it becomes so obvious what they should or should not do.
“Different phrases, such as ‘it’s such a little thing’ or ‘you take the Law so literally . . your view is narrow and restricted,’ ring in my mind over and over. It makes me joyful because it’s helped me take a firm stand (like Moses, Aaron, and Joshua) for what’s right—not even desiring to compromise, thus beginning to draw away from Jehovah.”
You, too, can benefit from the exciting yet instructive Bible dramas on cassette tapes. There are two cassette dramas, Beware of Losing Faith by Drawing Away From Jehovah and Jehovah’s Name to Be Declared in All the Earth. Each costs only $2, and each has a playing time of over one hour. Receive the cassettes by filling in and mailing the accompanying coupon.
Please send, postpaid, the cassette(s) I have checked. I enclose $2 (U.S.) for each one checked.
[ ] Beware of Losing Faith [ ] Jehovah’s Name to Be Declared